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Join host Tony La Russa and ARF to celebrate the start of the 2018 baseball season at the home of the Cardinals.

Enjoy delicious wine, beer, and appetizers from local establishments as you browse exciting auction items. Wine & Whiskers supports ARF’s national programs of People Rescuing Animals...Animals Rescuing People.

To view sponsorship benefits, click here.

I authorize Joybound People & Pets to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event Wine & Whiskers St. Louis 2018. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank You to our Sponsors


Platinum Sponsors

ApexNetwork Physical Therapy



Gold Sponsors

Ameren Corporation

Edward Jones


Silver Sponsor

Commercial Bank


Bronze Sponsors


Tom and Patty Richardson

Surendra & Karen Gupta ARC Foundation